After a fabulous stay in the Los Angeles area we headed south and east to the Jojoba Hills RV Park in Aguanga, CA near Temecula. Along the way we passed some interesting rock formations.
Our main reason for visiting Jojoba Hills was to meet up with our friends Bob and Sharon. Back in 2014 we traveled with them as part of an RV caravan down to Mexico. We last saw them in the fall of 2016. Whenever we see them we pick right back up where we left off like we saw them yesterday.
We had a lovely campsite at Jojoba Hills and one day Bob and Sharon gave us a tour of the park and all the facilities available there.
On Thanksgiving Day we enjoyed a wonderful community Thanksgiving dinner.
While we were there Bill celebrated his 65th birthday on Thanksgiving Day and Bob and Sharon came by for a little celebration.
One day Bob drove us into Temecula to give us a tour of the town. On the way back we stopped at an metal sculpture area where all kinds of amazing sculptures are for sale. Sculptors are by Ricardo Breceda. We also found a geocache there!
Bill’s cousin Sandra and her husband Ed live about fifteen miles away in Warner Springs. Sandra’s family was having their Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and invited us. Wow! Two Thanksgiving dinners in one week! Always wonderful to spend time with family!
Our week at Jojoba Hills passed too quickly.
Next up: Palm Desert, CA