Sept 23, 2016 Punxsutawney, PA

We left our quiet, peaceful campsite at Buckaloons Recreation Area in the Allegheny National Forest and spent two nights at Cook Forest State Park near Cooksburg.  The time went by quickly watching college football and doing laundry.
When we first arrived on Friday we set up our campsite and then hopped in the car for the short drive to Punxsutawney where Phil, the famous groundhog, makes his appearance every year on February 2nd. The town is obviously eager to promote their connection to Phil because everywhere you look are statues of Phil.20160923_16271020160923_14483520160923_14493020160923_14491120160923_150438
We drove to Gobblers Knob where the Groundhog ceremonies and fireworks are held each year on Groundhog’s Day. There was a trail there where we did some geocaching. It was a hot day and the mosquitoes were out in force.20160923_150606
We drove back into town and visited Phil and his wife Phyllis. They have a nice man made burrow next to the public library with a large viewing window. Phil and Phyllis were both sleeping and didn’t even notice our visit. We left him a note requesting a short winter and early spring. I don’t think Phil’s accuracy has been very good lately.20160923_16281720160923_16294520160923_163357
It was a nice little trip and fun to see where all the hoopla is done every February. By the way, none of the movie “Groundhog’s Day” was filmed in Punxsutawney.
Next stop will be Somerset, PA.

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