We left Millinocket and traveled to Eastport, our most easterly location in 2016. This area of Maine is the first place in the United States to see the sunrise each day. As before, the roads were in bad shape from frost heaves and we rocked and bounced our way along.
We arrived at our campground in Eastport with a view from our campsite of Canada across the water. The weather until now had been hot and dry, but some cooler, wet weather was settling in for our week here.
We spent some time on 2017 planning and enjoyed the cooler temperatures. Sunday we drove into the small downtown area to find some geocaches. We loved the small library geocache and took some pictures of a fisherman and Bill flirting with a local mermaid.
Tuesday we drove to the tiny town of Machias and had lunch at Helen’s Restaurant. Bill had a lobster roll and we shared a huge slice of blueberry pie. While in Machias we found a couple geocaches including a neat one inside a small lighthouse.
Wednesday we drove to Lubec and Quoddy Head State Park, the easternmost point of the United States. The views were beautiful at the West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, which in 1808 became the easternmost lighthouse in the country. Its light and fog cannon warned seamen of the dangerous cliffs and rocks. It was among the first lighthouses to use a fog bell and later a steam powered foghorn. Today its automated light still shines and is monitored and serviced by the U.S. Coast Guard.
Across the water we could see Campobello Island in Canada. The strong tidal currents between West Quoddy Head and Campobello Island are the cause of the largest whirlpool in the Western Hemisphere.
We found a geocache in the park and enjoyed finding several more on the way home. It was lots of fun but the mosquitoes were really biting!
Next stop:. Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park
Maine Facts:
- Approximately 40 million pounds of lobster (nearly 90% of the country’s supply) are caught off the coast of Maine.
- 90% of the nation’s toothpick supply is produced in Maine.
- L. L. Bean’s flagship store is located in Freeport and is the first retail clothier to be open 24/7/365.
What a great post. Maine is such a beautiful state. We went to Nova Scotia a couple years ago, not in the RV, but we’ll do Maine and that part of Canada then.