On the way to Iceland we had a day of scenic cruising in Prince Christian Sound. Named for the prince, and later king of Denmark, it is a waterway in southern Greenland connecting the Labrador Sea and the Irminger Sea. The long fjord is surrounded by steep mountains with many glaciers and icebergs. At one point Captain Frank turned the ship toward a glacier to give us a stunning view. It was a day filled with amazing views in all directions.
At times throughout the day, fog would roll in, limiting visibility, only to clear up. It continued to be windy and very cold. We spent most of the day sitting in the Crows Nest at the top of the ship where we were warm but could still see the views.
At the end of the day, Captain Frank said the day had the worst sailing conditions for his crew; lots of ice, gale force winds and poor visibility at times. The ship also had an ice captain onboard who is familiar with the ice fields. He said if we had been one day later, we would not have been able to go through the Sound because they saw where a huge ice fields had broken loose and was heading south to clog the shipping lanes. The ice captain will leave the ship after Iceland.
After leaving Greenland, we had another day at sea on the way to Iceland.
The next day was rainy, foggy and cold. A great day to enjoy life on the ship.
Next up: Iceland