Corner Brook, Canada July 24 2024

Our second port in Canada was Corner Brook, pop 19,333,  located on the west coast of the island of Newfoundland in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

We were so impressed with the friendly citizens of Corner Brook. We were met on the dock by locals handing out maps and welcoming us. A small band and singers serenaded passengers as they walked off the ship. The town furnished free shuttles from the pier to the city center.

In the town square they had volunteers answering questions.

We walked around the town, finding a geocache and noticed “The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist”.

A sign welcomed the Zuiderdam passengers and invited us inside. So of course we went in. Two very friendly ladies greeted us warmly and handed each of us a small Canadian flag pin. It was a lovely little church.

Since it was such a nice day, we decided to walk back to the ship. What a lovely town and people!

Next up: Red Bay, Canada

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