Daily Archives: February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014 San Felipe, Mexico Part 1

We packed up and waited for the Ensenada version of rush hour to pass since people drive crazy in Ensenada.  We stopped by a large supermarket on the way out of town to get some supplies for San Felipe.  They had a large display of pastries and sweets and since I had not eaten breakfast I decided to get something to eat on the way.  I looked for bags of some kind to put the pastries in and found nothing.  I knew they didn’t expect you to walk up to the checkout line with a handful of donuts, so I walked over to the bakery counter and asked where I could find a bag.  The man behind the counter did not speak English so I decided to try charades and pretend to put pastries in a bag.  All I got was a blank expression.  Bill got out his spanish dictionary and looked up the word for “bag” and I said bag in Spanish and pointed to the pastries, and again, a blank expression.  Suddenly a  lightbulb went off in his head and he pointed to some silver trays with rows of thongs and a lightbulb went off in our head and we realized we were supposed to put the pastries on the tray.  About that time another customer walked up with her tray of goodies for them to put in a bag and put a sticker on with the price to be used at checkout.  Moral of the story…when in Mexico do it the Mexican way, not the way you think it should be! When we were leaving we noticed a security guard with a big shotgun standing right inside the door because the ATM machine was being worked on.  I am used to security guards but not with shotguns! We had to cross yet another mountain with narrow, curvy roads with no shoulders.  Bill and I both commented how surprised we have been that Baja is so mountainous.  I will never get used to the roads here and I am always very nervous.  I don’t know how Bill drives an RV on these roads with tractor trailers flying past us! We passed one easy checkpoint where they only asked us where we were going.  When we arrived at the junction of Mexican HIghway 3 and Highway 5, we came to a very large, modern military checkpoint with multiple traffic lanes.  They said “inspection” which always means they want to come inside.  The soldier spent some time opening cabinets and drawers as well as the pantry and bathroom.  He then left and we were on the final leg of our journey to San Felipe.  We have read several articles recently that said all these military checkpoints in Baja are at the request of the U.S. government, and paid for by the U.S. government to stop drug traffic into the United States. Mexico Highway 5 which runs from the border at Mexicali to San Felipe was a wonderful 4 lane highway with wide lanes and a median down the middle.  What a wonderful surprise!  San Felipe is a popular tourist destination for Americans since it is such an easy 120 miles drive from the border. IMG_20140302_100210 We did read that many people speed on this road and get tickets.  We were warned that if you get a speeding ticket the police follow you to the nearest bank where you pay your fine before they let you go.  Needless to say, we watched our speed carefully, but normally stay under 55 MPH anyway! We arrived at the El Dorado Ranch where Sharon was waiting for us at the gate.  We received our passes and Sharon led the way to our campsite. IMG_20140302_100859 It was so good to see Bob and Sharon again and Bill and Bob quickly began setting up camp. P1040611 El Dorado Ranch is a gated community with private homes as well as private RV lots which is underdeveloped partly due to the downturn in the U.S. economy. IMG_20140306_134457 IMG_20140302_100815 We had access to a golf course where we could go to check our email and Bob and Sharon took some lessons and played a few rounds of golf. IMG_20140301_131132 We also had access to a beautiful swim club with swimming pools and a great large hot tub which we enjoyed during our stay in San Felipe. IMG_20140301_154447 IMG_20140301_165038

After we got set up, Bob drove us into San Felipe to get a feel for the town.  This is a pretty progressive town…they even have a bike hospital! IMG_20140228_202816 During the 5 days we were there they were having their version of Mardi Gras.  We enjoyed the sights and sounds of the carnival atmosphere.  P1040617 IMG_20140228_202922 20140302_154038 20140302_150737 IMG_20140228_130328 P1040646 IMG_20140228_220222 IMG_20140228_215956 IMG_20140228_203142 IMG_20140301_095411 IMG_20140228_213600IMG_20140228_215456 IMG_20140228_215347 IMG_20140228_213336 IMG_20140228_213828 IMG_20140228_213740 IMG_20140228_21304120140302_150720

We finished our first day in the hot tub with margaritas.  What a great day!  IMG_20140301_175053

Thursday we drove further south to more isolated areas and enjoyed seeing the beach areas.  P1040624 P1040625Just like Bahia De Los Angeles, San Felipe is on the Sea of Cortez.  It is interesting to see the shore at low tide, P1040614 and to see how they arrange their campgrounds.  Notice the third campsite picture with the large water bucket on top for taking showers.20140302_161227 P1040619 P1040633 We came to one very small town where we found a post office and a library. P1040628 Sharon and I peeked in the library and actually found some books in English!P1040631  We finished the day with another beautiful sunset and fun times.