February 15, 2014 Guerrero Negro, Mexico Part 1

Our group of 8 returned to the Catavina hotel restaurant this morning for breakfast before leaving for the 130 mile trip to Guerrero Negro.  The mileage doesn’t seem far, but with the Mexican Highway 1 roads through the mountains it took about 4 hours. 20140215_P1040409 We had one uneventful military checkpoint where they waved all of us in our caravan of 4 RVs through the checkpoint, and I took NO pictures!  Today there was a lot of tractor trailer traffic which does not make for easy travel on these roads.  We sure were glad we had the reflective tape on the driver’s mirror since some of the trucks came really close when passing.

As we traveled further south the terrain reminded us more and more of the desert in Arizona and we saw donkeys and horses along the sides of the road. 20140215_P1040414 20140215_P1040415 20140215_P1040418 It was not unusual to see cattle along the side of the road and there were many signs warning of cattle on the roadways. 15-IMG_20140212_205639 As we neared the outskirts of Guerrero Negro we left the state of Northern California Baja and entered the new state of California Baja Sur (south). 20140215_P1040422 We had to go through an agricultural inspection where they asked if we had oranges or potatoes.  We then had to pay 20 pesos (a little under $2.00) to have the bottom of our RV sprayed so we would not be bringing any insects into Southern Baja.

We arrived at Mario’s Campground in Guerrero Negro and tried to find a place to set up.  We found the electricity and water here is very limited.  One site had voltage too high and one too low.  We thought we found a good site but our surge protector cut the power off and on all night as the voltage fluctuated dramatically.  We also had no water pressure and they said the pump was off but they would turn it on.  As I took a shower that evening I found the water suddenly stopped and we had to use our water tank.  They seem to cut the water off and on at random and we had to go each morning and during the day and ask them to cut the pump on.  Well, it IS Mexico!!  We used their water, when we had it for showering and flushing the toilet and our good tank water for cooking and drinking.

When we left Catavina this morning the temperature was almost 90, but by the time we reached Guerrero Negro near the ocean, the temperature dropped to 70 with the ocean breezes.  The wind really picked up at sunset and it was windy throughout the night.


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